Efectos de la infraestructura pública sobre el crecimiento de la economía, evidencia para Chile


  • Jorge Rivera
  • Patricia Toledo


In contrast to other empirical studies, this paper analyzes the effect of public investment on infrastructure on the Chilean growth. Based on Glomm and Ravikumar (1994) and Yoke (2001), we present a stochastic model to test the hypothesis of endogenous growth against exogenous growth. On the basis of this model we estimate a long-run relationship among output, public investment in infrastructure and private capital. This relationship is verified using the Johansen’s cointegration test during the 1975-2000 period. The results show that there is a positive relationship between output and public investment in infrastructure. However, this outcome is neither consistent with the exogenous growth hypothesis nor public investment spillovers. In spite of that, the estimates suggest that an increase of 10% in public investment in infrastructure generates an increase of 1.6% in total output (both variables expressed in per workers terms).


Crecimiento económico, cointegración, infraestructura pública